Analyzer and Symbol table are one of the most important project in the compiler object.  The concept and the algorithms will be discuss in the Tutorial sections.  Therefore, please try to arrange your time to the tutorial in the following time slot.

    Tuesday:         10:00am - 11:00am
    Thursday:       5:00pm - 6:00pm   (I know most of you have class)
    Friday:           10:00am - 11:00am

All the questions and concept will be answer during the tutorial time....

(Sorry, recently my schedule is very tight, you guys may have a very tough time to find me.  Also, I may not check me e-mail as often as before.  Therefore, I recommended  you guys to ask me questions during the tutorial time).

What you should turn in
Code and your symbol table along with your documentation for BOTH "PARSER" and "Analyzer".  The format of the documentation is same as "SCANNER", so please refer to the general guideline.  (The late documentation and missing pieces will NOT be acceptable anymore).


    (SCANNER code if it had been modified)

    - Indicate the limitations
    - explain what your code does and how EACH functions work
    - List all the knowing bugs
    - meet the basic requirements of the project sample output
    - hand in the project on time with all the pieces
    - Instructions about how to operate your program
    - Hand in the PARSE TREE and the SYMBOL TABLE

Analyzer  (Due: March 9, 2004)

Sample Code:
Sample output: