Structural
Change
and
Economic
Dynamics
(2018)
73–81
Contents
lists
available
at
ScienceDirect
Structural
Change
and
Economic
Dynamics
j
ourna
l
h
o
mepage:
An
entropy
theory
of
value
School
of
Business,
University
of
Northern
British
Columbia,
Prince
George,
4Z9,
Canada
a
r
t
i
c
l
e
i
n
f
o
Article
history:
Received
June
Accepted
July
Available
online
August
Keywords:
Value
Entropy
Information
Scarcity
Utility
Labor
a
b
s
t
r
a
c
t
From
the
properties
that
the
value
of
commodities
should
satisfy,
it
can
be
derived
that
the
only
mathe-
matical
formula
to
represent
value,
as
a
function
of
scarcity,
is
the
entropy
function.
From
this
function,
the
main
factors
that
influence
the
value
of
a
commodity
are
scarcity
of
the
commodity,
the
number
of
producers,
and
the
market
size.
In
particular,
monopolies
and
near
monopolies,
which
have
small
number
of
producers
or
service
providers,
have
high
valuations.
Many
of
the
important
institutional
structures,
such
as
religions,
governments,
unions,
patents
and
regulations,
obtain
high
valuation
through
monopoly.
thank
Kent
Klitgaard,
Dingkang
Wang
and
many
others
for
helpful
comments.
Extensive
editing
and
revision
from
Jamie
Galbraith
greatly
improves
the
quality
of
this
paper.
©
Published
by
Elsevier
B.V.
1.
Introduction
Value
is
the
most
fundamental
concept
in
economics.
It
also
has
great
influence
in
broader
areas
of
social
theory
and
social
science.
good
understanding
of
value
should
shed
light
on
social
structures,
economic
policies
and
business
strategies.
There
are
three
main
theories
of
value:
utility
theory,
scarcity
theory
and
labor
theory.
,
the
chief
architect
of
the
neoclassical
economic
theory,
argued
that
value
is
a
function
of
scarcity.
He
said
that
it
is
too
broad
to
define
utility
as
value
since
many
things
with
high
utility,
such
as
oxygen,
are
of
no
economic
value.
Likewise
it
is
too
narrow
to
define
labor
as
value,
for
many
things
that
take
little
labor
have
high
value.
For
example,
although
oil
produced
in
Alberta
takes
much
more
labor
than
oil
produced
in
Saudi
Arabia,
Alberta
oil
is
not
more
expensive
than
Saudi
oil.
In
conventional
economic
theories,
additional
terminologies
are
created,
such
as
rent,
to
explain
this
phenomenon.
However,
this
makes
the
labor
theory
of
value
less
general.
In
this
paper,
we
present
an
entropy
theory
of
value.
Entropy
is
a
measure
of
scarcity
in
physics.
An
entropy
theory
of
value
is
a
scarcity
theory
of
value.
From
the
second
law
of
thermodynam-
ics,
or
the
entropy
law,
the
entropy
of
a
system
tends
to
increase.
display
of
low
entropy
state
is
the
universal
sign
of
attractive-
ness
for
animals,
which
include
human
beings.
This
explains
how
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address:
chenj/.
subjective
utilities
are
generally
entropy
related.
Since
all
human
activities
need
to
consume
low
entropy
sources
for
instance,
fresh
food
is
preferred
to
stale,
new
clothing
is
preferred
to
old,
an
entropy
theory
of
value
includes
the
labor
theory
of
value.
But
it
is
broader
than
the
labor
theory
of
value.
From
the
entropy
theory
of
value,
other
low
entropy
resources,
such
as
oil,
will
have
value
as
well.
Because
of
the
universality
of
the
entropy
law,
an
entropy
theory
of
value
has
been
suggested
before.
The
success
of
entropy
theory
of
information
stimulated
many
research
efforts
in
economics.
Since
information
is
the
reduction
of
entropy,
an
entropy
theory
of
value
is
inevitably
an
information
theory
of
value.
However,
the
information
theory
of
value,
or
the
entropy
theory
of
value,
was
not
developed
in
economics.
Very
often,
the
direction
of
scientific
research
is
shaped
by
the
thinking
of
an
authority.
In
an
often-cited
passage,
Arrow
wrote,
“the
well-known
Shannon
mea-
sure
which
has
been
so
useful
in
communications
engineering
is
not
in
general
appropriate
for
economic
analysis
because
it
gives
no
weight
to
the
value
of
the
information.
If
beforehand
a
large
manufacturer
regards
it
as
equally
likely
whether
the
price
of
his
product
will
go
up
or
down,
then
learning
which
is
true
conveys
no
more
information,
in
the
Shannon
sense,
than
observing
the
toss
of
a
fair
coin”
(Arrow,
(
),
p.
138).
The
Shannon
measure
actually
measures
the
weight
of
infor-
mation.
For
example,
symbols
with
identical
Shannon
measure
carry
times
more
information
than
a
single
symbol
(
).
Similarly,
the
value
of
the
information
about
the
future
price
is
higher
to
a
large
manufacturer
than
to
a
small
manufacturer,
0954-349X/©
Published
by
Elsevier
B.V.
J.
Chen
/
Structural
Change
and
Economic
Dynamics
(2018)
73–81
other
things
being
equal.
Later,
we
show
that
information
as
an
economic
commodity
shares
most
of
the
important
properties
of
physical
commodities.
Georgescu-Roegen
observed
that
“there
have
been
sporadic
suggestions
that
all
economic
values
can
be
reduced
to
a
com-
mon
denominator
of
low
entropy”
(
,
p.
283).
However,
he
thought
that
linking
economic
value
to
low
entropy
would
not
be
of
much
help
to
economists
because
“he
would
only
be
saddled
with
a
new
and
wholly
idle
task—to
explain
why
these
coefficients
differ
from
the
corresponding
price
ratios”
(
,
p.
283).
To
this
argument
we
may
reflect
on
Shannon’s
entropy
theory
of
information.
The
entropy
theory
of
information
does
not
resolve
all
problems
related
to
information.
But
it
does
resolve
many
important
problems
in
communication.
For
example,
the
entropy
theory
of
information
provides
a
mea-
sure
on
the
minimal
cost
of
information
transmission.
Very
often,
video
data
can
be
compressed
one
hundred
times
in
transmission
with
little
loss
of
quality.
The
entropy
theory
of
information
pro-
vides
a
theoretical
foundation
to
help
us
transmit
large
amount
of
information
at
low
cost,
which
is
extremely
important
in
today’s
society.
Similarly,
the
entropy
theory
of
value
will
not
resolve
all
problems
in
economic
activities.
But
it
greatly
simplifies
our
under-
standing
on
a
broad
range
of
social
and
economic
phenomena.
It
provides
a
simple
mathematical
relation
to
understand
how
scarcity,
the
number
of
producers
or
service
providers,
and
market
size
affect
values.
In
the
entropy
theory
of
value,
economic
value
is
defined
as
a
logarithm
function,
just
as
information
is
defined
as
a
logarithm
function.
In
information
theory,
the
base
of
the
loga-
rithm
function
is
2,
as
the
information
is
transmitted
in
a
binary
system
{
0,
}
.
In
the
entropy
theory
of
value,
the
base
of
the
loga-
rithm
function
represents
the
number
of
suppliers
of
a
product
or
a
service.
When
the
base
approaches
1,
the
value
of
the
product
or
service
approaches
infinity.
This
indicates
that
monopoly
and
near
monopoly
are
the
most
important
ways
to
increase
value.
Governments
have
monopoly
in
violence,
legal
actions
and
tax-
ation.
Patents,
intellectual
property
rights,
regulation,
industry
standards
and
market
dominance
help
businesses
establish
and
maintain
monopolies.
Unionization
achieves
monopolies
in
bar-
gaining.
Monotheistic
religions
hold
monopolies
to
reach
heaven.
Indeed,
many
of
the
most
important
functions
in
human
societies
are
structured
in
monopoly
or
near
monopoly.
The
mainstream
value
theory
is
represented
by
the
classical
book,
Theory
of
value;
an
axiomatic
analysis
of
economic
equilibrium
by
.
Debreu’s
theory
of
value
is
used
to
construct
a
rigorous
foundation
of
equilibrium
theory,
according
to
which
wealth
is
maximized
in
an
equilibrium
state.
In
equilibrium,
many
competitors
are
assumed
to
operate
in
the
market.
From
practical
experience,
we
know
that
valuation
is
low
in
a
market
with
many
competitors.
Market
participants,
as
individuals
or
organizations,
will
actively
seek
opportunities
to
gain
and
maintain
monopolies.
This
feature
is
ignored
by
the
Debreu
model
but
accurately
captured
by
the
entropy
theory
of
value.
This
entropy
theory
of
value
is
largely
unchanged
since
its
early
development
(
),
but
the
applications
have
greatly
expanded.
The
rest
of
the
paper
is
structured
as
follows.
In
Sec-
tion
,
we
formally
develop
the
mathematical
theory
of
value
as
entropy.
The
influence
on
value
of
factors
such
as
scarcity,
the
num-
ber
of
producers
and
market
size
of
a
commodity
can
be
understood
naturally
from
the
logarithm
function
of
value.
Since
scarcity
of
resources,
including
human
resources,
is
often
regulated
by
insti-
tutional
measures
such
as
immigration
laws
and
patent
laws,
the
value
of
economic
commodities
is
in
great
part
a
reflection
of
insti-
tutional
structures.
In
Section
,
we
apply
this
theory
to
trade,
regulation
and
competition.
In
Section
,
we
utilize
the
results
from
information
theory,
statistical
physics
and
the
theory
of
evolution
to
discuss
the
relation
between
physical
entropy
and
economic
value.
We
discuss
how
the
entropy
theory
of
value
offers
a
unifying
understanding
of
the
objective
and
subjective
theories
of
value.
In
Section
,
we
discuss
how
informational
and
physical
commodi-
ties
share
common
properties
in
the
light
of
this
entropy
theory
of
value.
By
resolving
the
conceptual
difficulties
that
have
confounded
us
for
many
years,
we
offer
a
unified
understanding
of
physical
entropy,
information
and
economic
value.
In
Section
,
we
discuss
the
relation
between
economic
value
and
social
welfare.
Section
concludes.
2.
Main
properties
Value
is
a
function
of
scarcity.
Scarcity
can
be
defined
as
a
prob-
ability
measure
in
a
certain
probability
space.
The
value
of
any
product
shall
satisfy
the
following
properties:
(a)
The
value
of
two
products
should
be
higher
than
the
value
of
each
of
them.
(b)
If
two
products
are
independent,
that
is,
if
the
two
products
are
not
substitutes
or
partial
substitutes
of
each
other,
then
the
total
value
of
the
two
products
will
be
the
sum
of
two
products.
(c)
The
value
of
any
product
is
non-negative.
The
only
mathematical
functions
that
satisfy
all
of
the
above
properties
are
of
the
form
(
)
=
log
b
(1)
Where
b
is
a
positive
constant
(
).
In
information
theory,
the
base
of
the
logarithm
function
is
usually
chosen
to
be
two
because
there
are
two
choices
of
code
in
information
trans-
mission,
namely,
and
(
).
In
economics,
the
base
b
can
be
understood
as
the
number
of
producers.
In
general,
if
the
scarcity
of
a
service
or
product,
,
can
be
estimated
by
the
proba-
bility
measure
{
p
1,
p
2,
.
.
.
p
n
}
,
the
expected
value
of
this
product
is
the
average
of
the
value
of
each
possibility,
that
is
(
)
=
n
i
=
p
i
(
log
b
p
i
)
Therefore,
value
just
as
information
in
its
general
form
can
be
defined
as
entropy,
given
that
they
are
the
same
mathemati-
cally.
In
the
following,
we
will
discuss
the
properties
of
this
simple
analytical
theory
of
value-as-scarcity.
2.1.
Scarcity
and
value
Fig.
is
a
graph
of
Formula
(1)
,
which
shows
that
value
is
an
increasing
function
of
scarcity.
That
is
why
diamonds
are
worth
more
than
water
in
most
circumstances.
In
extreme
abundance,
i.e.,
when
=
1,
log
=
0,
the
value
of
a
given
commodity
is
equal
to
zero,
even
if
that
commodity
is
very
useful.
For
example,
food
is
essential
for
survival.
Most
countries
subsidize
food
production
in
various
ways
to
guarantee
the
abundance
of
food,
which
causes
its
low
economic
value.
This
shows
that
economic
value
and
social
value
can
diverge.
Gold
is
mined
on
average
at
low
concentrations
and
it
takes
much
energy
to
grind
up
the
rocks.
Likewise
silver,
as
compared
to
copper.
In
general,
a
scarce
commodity
takes
more
energy
and
labor
to
mine
than
an
abundant
commodity.
The
scarcity
theory
of
value
is
highly
consistent
with
the
energy
theory
of
value
and
the
labor
theory
of
value.
An
advantage
of
the
scarcity
theory
of
value
is
that
it
can
be
formulated
as
a
mathematical
theory
easily.
J.
Chen
/
Structural
Change
and
Economic
Dynamics
(2018)
73–81
Fig.
1.
Value
and
scarcity.
2.2.
Value
and
the
number
of
producers
or
consumers
From
Formula
(1)
,
value
is
inversely
related
to
the
number
of
producers
of
a
given
product.
Fig.
displays
the
relation
between
value
and
the
number
of
producers.
When
the
number
of
producers
is
small,
the
value
of
a
product
is
high.
That’s
why
the
products
of
monopolies
and
oligopolies
are
valued
highly.
If
the
base
becomes
one,
i.e.,
absolute
monopoly
without
substitution,
value
approaches
infinity.
Governments
have
the
monopoly
on
violence,
legal
decisions
and
taxation.
Democratic
societies
maintain
multiparty
system
and
elections.
This
is
to
reduce
the
power,
or
the
value,
of
governments.
But
monarchy
or
one
party
rule
are
more
common
in
most
of
human
history.
Even
in
democratic
societies,
the
power
of
governments,
as
monopolies,
tend
to
grow
over
time.
Today,
governments’
powers
over
citizens
and
businesses
are
much
broader
than
(say)
in
the
th
century.
Many
important
social
activities,
such
as
education
and
(in
most
countries)
medicine,
are
under
government
control
or
influence.
In
many
countries,
education
is
mostly
funded
by
the
govern-
ment.
Students
can
only
go
to
one
school
for
their
elementary
and
secondary
education.
This
lack
of
choice
in
education
for
students
greatly
increases
the
power
and
hence
the
value
of
edu-
cators.
The
medical
systems
in
some
countries,
such
as
Canada,
don’t
allow
patients
to
choose
doctors
and
the
types
of
treatments
they
can
have.
Instead,
patients
can
only
go
to
see
one
doctor,
who
decides
what
treatment
a
patient
can
get
and
who
the
patients
can
see.
With
this
monopoly
over
patients,
doctors
gain
extraordinary
power
and
hence
enjoy
high
incomes.
Fig.
2.
Value
and
the
number
of
producers.
Successful
religions,
such
as
Judaism,
Christianity
and
Islam,
are
monotheistic,
while
polytheistic
religions,
such
as
Buddhism,
have
difficulties
withstand
the
advance
of
monotheistic
religions.
Monotheism,
with
only
one
god,
exerts
much
greater
control
over
its
believers
than
polytheism.
The
number
of
providers
of
most
economic
goods
depends
on
many
factors.
In
the
following,
we
give
a
brief
discussion
about
the
institutional
structures
that
affect
market
entry
and
the
number
of
suppliers
for
a
given
product.
Anti-trust
regulations
aim
to
prevent
price
fixing
by
existing
providers
of
a
service
or
product.
They
also
intend
to
lower
barri-
ers
to
potential
entry.
By
increasing
the
number
of
choices,
both
measures
reduce
the
value
of
products,
and
hence
the
cost
to
con-
sumers.
For
this
reason,
the
value
of
a
product
will
in
general
be
lower
in
a
more
competitive
market.
Patent
rights
and
commercial
secrets
legislation,
on
the
other
hand,
grant
monopoly
power
and
discourage
the
diffusion
of
knowledge.
Patent
rights
and
monopoly
power
allow
the
holders
to
maintain
high
product
prices.
The
industry
has
less
strict
patent
protection
than
the
biotech
industry.
As
a
result,
develops
much
faster
than
biotech.
In
general,
indus-
tries
with
more
patent
protection
develop
slower
than
industries
with
less
patent
protection.
Technology
often
progresses
very
fast
during
war
time,
when
patent
laws
are
often
ignored.
The
quota
system
in
trade
policy
forces
the
transfer
of
produc-
tion
technology
from
the
dominant
producer
to
other
countries.
Ultimately,
the
diffusion
of
technology
and
the
increase
of
the
num-
ber
of
producers
will
reduce
the
value
of
the
imported
goods.
This
will
benefit
the
importing
countries
over
the
long
term,
instead
of
the
loss
suggested
in
standard
literature.
The
value
of
consumers
is
also
negatively
related
to
their
num-
bers.
When
there
is
only
one
dominant
customer,
it
can
mostly
dictate
the
terms
of
trade
and
hence
would
like
to
keep
its
monopoly
power.
Producers,
on
the
other
hand,
would
like
to
increase
the
number
of
their
customers.
The
relation
between
number
of
producers
and
value
can
help
understand
many
commercial
and
social
phenomena.
Each
printer
manufacturer
designs
printers
in
a
way
that
printer
ink
from
other
firms
cannot
operate
well.
Customers
who
buy
printers
from
one
company
can
use
ink
from
only
the
same
company.
By
restricting
the
choice
from
customers,
producers
can
sell
ink
at
higher
price
and
obtain
higher
profits.
Unions
form
a
monopoly
of
bargaining.
With
only
a
single
unit
of
bargaining,
a
trade
union
is
in
a
much
stronger
position
than
many
individuals
in
bargaining
with
management.
Unions
are
often
formed
in
many
stable
professions,
such
as
government
employees
and
teachers.
Professions
such
as
physicians,
often
are
certified
by
a
single
organization,
which
increases
their
monopoly
value.
Doctors’
notes
are
famously
illegible.
When
fewer
peo-
ple,
especially
patients,
are
informed,
the
value
of
the
profession
increases.
Household
machines
are
often
designed
that
they
can
only
be
repaired
with
specialized
tools.
Once
a
mixer
in
our
home
broke
down.
watched
a
YouTube
video
to
figure
out
how
to
have
the
mixer
repaired.
When
opened
the
mixer,
found
the
design
of
the
mixer
had
been
changed.
With
the
new
design,
specialized
tools
are
needed
to
repair
the
machine.
customer
has
to
buy
a
new
mixer
or
have
the
mixer
repaired
by
an
expensive
technician.
Since
the
value
of
a
product
depends
very
much
on
the
number
of
producers,
the
attempt
to
gain
monopoly
is
often
the
most
impor-
tant
business
strategy
and
political
strategy
(
).
It
is
often
difficult
to
determine
the
exact
number
of
providers
of
a
service
empirically.
Air
travel
in
vast
and
thinly
populated
coun-
tries,
such
as
Canada,
where
alternative
modes
of
transportation
are
often
very
time
consuming,
provides
a
good
testing
ground.
On
March
10,
2005,
Jetsgo,
a
Canadian
airline,
declared
bankruptcy.
J.
Chen
/
Structural
Change
and
Economic
Dynamics
(2018)
73–81
There
are
three
major
operators
in
the
air
travel
industry
in
Canada.
They
are
Air
Canada,
WestJet
and
Jetsgo.
There
are
regional
carriers
and
international
airlines
competing
for
many
routes.
Most
of
the
profits
of
airlines
come
from
regional
routes
where
competition
is
not
intense.
We
can
assume
four
providers
for
the
air
travel
service
for
typical
regional
routes
before
Jetsgo
declared
bankruptcy.
From
(1)
,
the
value
of
each
airline
can
be
represented
as
log
and
log
before
and
after
Jetsgo
declare
bankruptcy.
The
change
of
value
is
therefore
(
log
)
/
(
log
)
=
log
=
.
Jetsgo
declared
bankruptcy
at
the
evening
of
March
10,
2005,
after
the
market
close.
The
closing
prices
of
stocks
of
WestJet
and
Air
Canada
at
March
and
are
11.17,
15.6
and
32.19,
respec-
tively.
The
price
changes
are
.
/
.
=
.
for
WestJet
and
/
.
=
.
for
Air
Canada
respectively.
The
average
change
of
price
is
(0
.
+
.
149)
/
=
.
which
is
very
close
to
the
theoretical
prediction
of
0.
262.
Some
theoretical
and
empirical
results
can
be
further
refined.
For
example,
this
theory
does
not
distinguish
the
sizes
of
different
providers
of
a
service.
The
refinement
of
the
theory
is
left
to
the
future
research.
2.3.
Market
size,
product
life
cycle
and
product
value
Suppose
the
potential
market
size
of
a
product
is
.
The
per-
centage
of
people
who
already
have
the
product
is
.
Then
the
unit
value
of
the
product
is
log
(2)
Since
the
number
of
people
who
have
bought
the
product
is
,
The
total
value
of
the
product
is
(
log
)
(3)
From
(3)
,
the
value
of
a
product
is
higher
with
a
larger
market
size.
Fig.
is
the
graph
of
unit
value
and
total
value
of
a
product
with
respect
to
its
abundance.
From
Fig.
,
we
can
explore
the
relation
between
the
value
of
a
product
and
the
product
life
cycle.
When
a
product
is
new
and
scarce,
the
unit
value
is
high.
Its
total
value
is
low.
As
the
production
increases,
the
total
value
will
increase
as
the
unit
value
decreases.
When
the
production
quantity
is
over
a
certain
level,
however,
the
total
value
of
a
product
will
start
to
decrease
as
well.
Intuitively,
this
is
easy
to
understand.
The
market
values
of
manufacturers
of
mature
products
are
generally
low,
although
the
production
processes
are
very
efficient.
This
observation
shows
that
efficiency
is
not
equivalent
to
value.
The
above
discussion
shows
that
the
implications
of
identify-
ing
value
with
the
scarcity
are
highly
consistent
with
our
intuitive
understanding
of
economic
value.
It
should
be
noted
that
in
eco-
nomic
processes,
a
final
product
embodies
many
different
kind
of
scarcities:
labor,
raw
materials
and
equipment.
detailed
analysis
of
the
value
of
a
particular
product
will
be
much
more
involved.
For
example,
black
and
white
television
sets
are
less
common
than
color
television
sets
and
yet
they
have
less
economic
value.
This
is
because
the
process
of
making
color
takes
more
scarce
resources
such
as
labor.
The
value
of
a
final
product
is
the
combination
of
total
scarcity.
Fig.
3.
The
unit
value
and
total
value
of
a
product
with
respect
to
scarcity.
3.
Several
applications
This
value
theory
can
be
applied
to
many
different
areas.
We
will
present
several
applications
on
the
impacts
of
trade
policies
and
regulatory
policies
3.1.
On
the
impact
of
trade
policies
and
trade
barriers
Trade
policies
can
be
open
or
restricted.
Access
to
the
market
can
be
easy
or
difficult.
What
are
their
effects?
In
general,
trade
occurs
between
regions
with
differential
abundance
of
a
commod-
ity,
which
could
be
due
to
differential
concentration
of
natural
resources
or
the
capacity
of
some
manufacturing
technology.
Most
oil
exports
occur
in
several
countries.
High
tech
industries
are
highly
concentrated
in
Silicon
Valley.
To
examine
the
quantitative
impacts
of
a
trade
policy,
we
will
look
at
a
two
region
case
and
calcu-
late
a
numerical
example.
(The
proof
of
the
general
case
is
available
from
the
author.)
Let
the
market
sizes
of
two
regions
be
and
respectively,
with
resource
concentration
of
0.9
and
0.2.
This
indicates
that
the
smaller
region
is
abundant
in
a
particular
com-
modity.
Suppose
two
regions
are
segregated.
Then
the
commodity
prices
at
two
regions
are
ln
(0
.
9)
=
.
and
ln(0
.
2)
=
.
The
commodity
price
in
the
abundant
area
is
much
cheaper.
The
total
values
of
the
commodity
in
two
regions
are
.
(
ln(0
.
9))
=
.
and
.
(
ln(0
.
2))
=
.
The
global
total
value
of
the
commodity
is
.
+
.
=
.
When
two
regions
are
integrated
into
a
free
trade
zone,
the
global
scarcity
of
the
commodity
is
(100
.
+
.
2)
/
(100
+
1000)
=
.
The
new
price
of
the
commodity
is
ln(0
.
26)
=
.
The
global
value
of
the
commodity
is
.
(
ln(0
.
26))
=
.
The
total
value
of
the
commodity
in
the
resource
rich
region
is
.
(
ln(0
.
26)
=
.
The
total
value
of
the
commodity
in
the
resource
poor
region
is
.
(
ln(0
.
26)
=
.
J.
Chen
/
Structural
Change
and
Economic
Dynamics
(2018)
73–81
Table
Summary
of
value
changes
with
market
integration.
Segregated
market
Integrated
market
Resource
poor
region
Resource
rich
region
Market
size
Scarcity
0.2
0.9
0.26
Unit
price
1.61
0.11
1.33
Value
in
segregation
321.89
9.48
331.37
(sum
in
segregation)
Value
in
integration
266.64
386.62
Difference
in
value
55.25
55.25
In
the
following,
we
analyze
the
winners
and
the
losers
in
a
free
trade
economy.
First,
the
global
value
of
the
commodity
in
a
free
trade
environment
is
386.62,
which
is
higher
than
331.37,
the
global
value
in
a
segregated
economy.
In
general,
free
trade
increases
the
total
value
of
a
product.
Second,
the
total
value
from
the
resource
rich
region
in
the
free
trade
environment
is
119.99,
which
is
higher
than
9.48,
the
total
value
in
a
segregated
economy.
That
is
why
producers
from
the
resource
rich
region
will
promote
free
trade.
The
total
value
from
the
resource
poor
region
in
the
free
trade
environment
is
266.64,
which
is
lower
than
321.89,
the
total
value
in
a
segregated
economy.
That
is
why
producers
from
the
resource
poor
region
will
resist
free
trade.
Third,
the
magnitude
of
impact
to
small
and
large
regions
are
dif-
ferent.
For
the
small
region,
the
change
of
commodity
value
is
from
9.48
to
119.99,
which
is
very
high.
For
the
large
region,
the
change
of
commodity
value
is
from
321.89
to
266.64,
which
is
moderate.
As
a
result,
small
regions
have
stronger
incentive
to
influence
trade
policies,
although
large
regions
are
often
more
powerful.
For
exam-
ple,
Canada
charges
270%
tariff
on
import
dairy
products
to
deter
dairy
imports.
By
comparison,
charges
27%
tariff
on
Canadian
lumber
imports.
In
general,
small
social
groups
often
have
stronger
internal
cohesion
than
large
social
groups.
Fourth,
the
unit
value
of
the
commodity
in
a
free
trade
envi-
ronment
is
1.33,
which
is
higher
than
0.11,
the
unit
value
of
the
commodity
in
the
resource
rich
region
and
lower
than
1.61,
the
unit
value
of
the
commodity
in
the
resource
poor
region
in
a
segre-
gated
economy.
So
ordinary
consumers
in
a
resource
rich
country
who
do
not
receive
income
from
the
resource
industry
will
resist
free
trade.
Ordinary
consumers
in
a
resource
poor
country
who
do
not
receive
income
from
the
resource
industry
will
welcome
free
trade.
The
main
results
are
summarized
in
Table
.
There
are
two
major
price
indices
in
the
crude
oil
market:
and
Brent.
Historically,
and
Brent
crude
oil
prices
were
very
close.
However,
traded
at
a
deep
discount
to
Brent
in
recent
years
as
Alberta
increased
its
oil
output,
most
of
which
was
sold
in
the
In
an
attempt
to
sell
more
oil
at
the
international
price,
proposals
were
made
to
build
or
expand
several
oil
pipelines
to
the
coastal
area
so
Alberta
oil
can
be
supplied
to
the
international
mar-
ket.
This
would
increase
the
value
of
Alberta
oil
products.
Canada
produces
about
three
million
barrels
of
crude
oil
per
day.
Canadian
oil
is
often
sold
several
dollars
per
barrel
below
the
international
price.
Every
year
the
Canadian
oil
industry
loses
several
billion
dollars
from
this
price
differential;
equivalently,
customers
of
the
Canadian
oil
gain
several
billion
dollars
per
year
from
the
cur-
rent
situation.
From
the
above
analysis,
it
is
easy
to
understand
why
there
is
so
much
negative
publicity
and
disruption
around
the
pipeline
projects.
Next,
we
will
analyze
how
trade
tariff
affects
import
and
export
countries.
From
our
value
theory,
product
value
is
a
function
of
scarcity.
Tariff
policy
can
often
significantly
influence
output
quan-
tity
and
hence
product
value,
especially
when
a
certain
commodity
has
one
big
producer
and
one
big
consumer.
For
example,
Canada
is
a
big
producer
of
softwood
lumber
while
is
a
big
consumer.
From
value
theory,
the
value
of
lumber
market
is
represented
by
ln
P),
where
is
the
proportion
of
lumber
that
is
on
the
market.
Assume
,
the
total
volume
of
the
forest,
is
10,000.
con-
sumer
country
will
benefit
from
a
trade
policy
that
increases
the
production
of
lumber
since
it
will
reduce
the
value
of
imported
lumber.
Suppose
the
cost
structure
of
the
lumber
industry
is
the
fol-
lowing.
The
total
fixed
cost
in
lumber
production
in
country
is
100.
The
variable
cost
is
55%
of
product
value.
The
total
value
of
the
lumber
products
is
ln
P)
and
the
total
cost
of
production
is
+
0.55*V*P*(
lnP).
Suppose
every
year,
1%
of
the
all
lumber
is
harvested.
The
profit
on
lumber
production
is
equal
to
revenue
minus
total
cost
ln
(100
+
.
(
ln
))
=
.
ln(0
.
01)
(100
+
.
(
.
ln(0
.
01)))
=
In
2001,
the
imposed
a
27%
import
duty
on
lumber
from
Canada.
If
the
volume
of
production
remained
at
the
same
level,
the
profit
for
lumber
production
would
be
ln
(1
.
27)
(100
+
.
(
ln
))
=
.
ln(0
.
01)
(1
.
27)
(100
+
.
(
.
ln(0
.
01)))
=
which
means
that
the
lumber
industry
will
lose
money.
Production
of
lumber
has
to
be
increased
to
avoid
loss.
If
the
production
level
is
increased
to
=
1.5%,
the
profit
for
the
lumber
industry
will
become
ln
(1
.
27)
(100
+
.
(
ln
))
=
.
ln(0
.
015)
(1
.
27)
(100
+
.
(
.
ln(0
.
015)))
=
As
the
production
is
increased
from
1.0%
of
the
total
reserve
to
1.5%,
the
unit
value
of
lumber
is
decreased
from
–ln(0.01)
=
4.6
to
–ln(0.015)
=
4.2.
collects
27%
tariff
on
lumber
import
and
enjoy
lower
price
on
lumber.
Table
gives
a
summary
of
softwood
lum-
ber
futures
prices,
annual
production
from
Canada,
revenues
and
profits
from
Canfor,
Canada’s
largest
softwood
producer,
in
and
2002,
one
year
before
and
after
imposed
the
27%
tariff
on
softwood
lumber
import
from
Canada.
The
data
confirm
the
theoretical
prediction
that
after
the
tariff,
production
increased,
prices
dropped,
and
corporate
profits
from
lumber
producers
tumbled.
This
shows
that
tariffs
are
an
effective
way
to
shift
wealth
from
producing
countries
to
consuming
coun-
tries,
and
contradicts
the
standard
theory
that
tariffs
hurt
importing
countries
by
imposing
higher
prices
for
consumers.
From
the
theoretical
analysis,
as
well
the
data
in
Table
,
trade
policies
have
huge
effects
on
the
distribution
of
wealth
across
bor-
ders,
and
this
also
greatly
influences
the
distribution
of
jobs
across
J.
Chen
/
Structural
Change
and
Economic
Dynamics
(2018)
73–81
Table
Summary
statistics
of
softwood
lumber
futures
price,
annual
production
from
Canada,
revenues
and
profits
from
Canfor.
Sources
of
data:
indexmundi,
Canfor
annual
reports.
Softwood
lumber
futures
price
(January
closing)
346.6
268.7
Production
(thousands
of
cubic
meters)
Canfor
revenue
(millions
of
dollars)
2265.9
2112.3
Canfor
profit
(millions
of
dollars)
125.6
11.5
borders.
This
is
why
trade
policies
are
such
an
emotional
issue
over
history.
The
scarcity
of
a
commodity
is
influenced
by
the
market
size.
For
Canadian
lumber,
the
market
size
is
very
much
determined
by
the
housing
market,
which
is
much
larger
than
the
Canadian
market.
The
market
size
is
also
greatly
affected
by
transportation
costs.
For
example,
petroleum
is
relatively
light
compared
with
coal
for
the
same
amount
of
energy.
Therefore,
petroleum
is
a
global
commodity
while
coal
is
much
less
so.
Lumber
is
six
times
heavier
than
coal
as
a
fuel.
Hence
the
market
for
wood
as
a
fuel
is
highly
localized.
But
the
market
for
wood
as
lumber,
which
is
higher
priced
than
fuel,
is
much
larger.
Still,
the
increasing
cost
of
oil
decreases
the
size
of
the
lumber
market.
Not
only
do
transportation
costs
increase,
but
also
higher
energy
prices
can
make
constructing
a
home
more
expensive.
3.2.
Regulations
and
other
entry
barriers
in
market
competition
Regulations
and
other
entry
barriers
increase
fixed
costs.
Higher
fixed
cost
reduces
the
number
of
businesses
in
an
industry,
which
increases
the
value
of
their
products
or
services.
We
will
analyze
how
the
increase
of
fixed
cost
affects
the
return
of
an
industry.
Sup-
pose
the
market
size
of
an
industry
is
M,
scarcity
is
p,
the
number
of
businesses
in
the
industry
is
b.
Then
the
unit
value
for
the
product
is
log
b
p
The
fixed
cost
for
each
business
is
K,
variable
cost
is
C.
Assume
each
business
gets
the
same
amount
of
revenue.
The
revenue
and
total
cost
for
each
business
are
Mp
b
(
log
b
p
)
and
+
Mp
b
(
log
b
p
)
respectively.
The
return
for
each
business
is
Mp
b
(
log
b
p
)
+
Mp
b
(
log
b
p
)
(4)
Suppose
=
1000,
p
=
0.4,
b
=
3.
The
fixed
cost
of
each
business
is
and
the
variable
cost
of
each
business
is
60%
of
the
revenue.
The
rate
of
return
for
each
business
is
×
.
(
log
.
)
+
.
×
.
(
log
.
)
=
.
This
rate
of
return
is
not
very
high.
Now
a
business
persuades
the
government
to
increase
regulatory
measure
on
this
industry.
As
a
result,
the
fixed
cost
is
increased
to
50.
Assume
other
parameters
remain
the
same.
The
new
rate
of
return
for
each
business,
cal-
culated
from
(4)
,
becomes
negative.
If
the
rate
of
return
becomes
negative,
one
business,
usually
the
financially
weak
one,
will
drop
off
the
market.
Suppose
now
there
are
only
two
businesses
in
the
industry.
Assume
other
parameters
remain
the
same.
The
new
rate
of
return
for
each
remaining
business
is
×
.
(
log
.
)
+
.
×
.
(
log
.
)
=
.
This
is
much
higher
than
the
previous
rate
of
return.
Financially
strong
companies
can
use
regulatory
tools
to
increase
fixed
cost.
It
can
reduce
the
number
of
competitors
and
help
remaining
players
achieve
high
rate
of
return.
In
neoclassical
economics,
regulation
is
justified
when
there
is
a
“market
failure”.
From
the
above
analysis,
we
see
instead
that
regulation
is
largely
driven
by
industries
themselves
to
keep
a
high
rate
of
return.
The
theory
also
explains
why
biological
and
chem-
ical
weapons
are
banned
by
international
treaties
while
nuclear
weapons,
which
can
cause
much
more
destruction
than
chem-
ical
weapons,
are
not.
Biological
and
chemical
weapons,
which
are
sometimes
called
poor
men’s
nuclear
weapons,
are
cheap
to
make.
If
these
weapons
are
not
banned,
many
people
can
make
them,
which
will
reduce
the
value
of
weapons
of
mass
destruc-
tion.
To
maintain
the
high
value
of
such
weapons,
international
treaties,
which
are
generally
initiated
by
leading
political
pow-
ers,
banned
those
weapons
of
mass
destruction
that
are
cheap
to
make.
4.
Physical
entropy,
subjective
utility
and
economic
value
Living
organisms
need
to
extract
low
entropy
from
the
envi-
ronment,
to
defend
their
low
entropy
sources
and
to
reduce
the
diffusion
of
the
low
entropy.
The
struggle
to
stay
in
low
entropy
states
is
called
natural
selection.
In
human
societies,
the
purpose
of
agriculture
is
to
obtain
low
entropy
sources
of
food.
Part
of
health
care
systems
aim
to
defend
our
own
low
entropy
sources
from
viruses
and
bacteria.
The
military
forces
are
established
to
extract
low
entropy
from
others
and
to
defend
one’s
own
low
entropy
sources.
Clothing
and
housing
reduce
the
diffusion
of
low
entropy.
Sexual
selection
is
the
struggle
between
the
individuals
of
one
sex,
generally
the
males,
to
communicate
their
attractiveness
to
the
other
sex
in
order
to
form
a
partnership
for
reproduction.
Since
the
entropy
law,
which
states
that
closed
systems
tend
towards
states
of
higher
entropy,
is
the
most
universal
law
of
nature,
it
is
natural
that
the
display
of
low
entropy
has
evolved
as
the
universal
signal
of
attractiveness
in
the
process
of
sexual
selection.
Both
natural
selection
and
sexual
selection
indicate
that
human
beings
favor
low
entropy
sources
(
).
This
observa-
tion
offers
a
connection
between
the
entropy
theory
of
value
and
the
subjective
utility
theory
of
value.
“Mind
is
an
organ
of
com-
putation
engineered
by
natural
selection”
(
,
p.
429).
It
calculates
the
entropy
level
and
sends
out
signals
of
pleasure
for
accumulating
and
displaying
low
entropy
and
signals
of
pain
for
dissipation
of
low
entropy.
Jevons
“attempted
to
treat
economy
as
a
calculus
of
pleasure
and
pain”
(
,
p.
vi).
Pleasure
is
gen-
erally
associated
with
the
accumulation
or
display
of
low
entropy
level,
such
as
the
accumulation
of
wealth,
and
conspicuous
con-
sumption.
Pain
is
associated
with
dissipation
of
low
entropy,
such
as
work
and
the
loss
of
money.
So
value
in
subjective
utility
theory,
as
a
measure
of
pleasure
and
pain,
is
intrinsically
linked
to
the
level
of
entropy.
Mainstream
economic
theory
states
that
the
value
of
a
com-
modity
is
determined
in
exchange
and
is
a
function
of
supply
and
demand.
From
the
theory
of
natural
and
sexual
selection,
the
demand
of
an
economic
commodity
is
driven
by
its
level
of
entropy.
The
supply
of
an
economic
commodity
is
constrained
by
its
scarcity,
with
entropy
as
the
unique
measure
of
scarcity.
The
level
of
entropy
offers
a
natural
measure
of
economic
value.
J.
Chen
/
Structural
Change
and
Economic
Dynamics
(2018)
73–81
Since
the
entropy
level
of
a
system
increases
spontaneously,
the
reduction
of
entropy
in
a
system
represents
effort
that
has
been
expended
and
therefore
“value-added”.
Entropy
level
may
thus
be
the
closest
to
an
invariant
measure
of
the
value
of
labor
and
other
commodities.
While
economic
values
of
commodities
are
highly
correlated
with
the
level
of
physical
entropy,
they
are
not
identical
for
sev-
eral
reasons.
In
the
following,
we
will
discuss
two,
one
from
the
perspective
of
information
theory
and
another
from
the
institutional
structures
that
regulate
scarcity
and
number
of
pro-
ducers.
First,
the
entropy
level
we
perceive
of
a
commodity
is
differ-
ent
from
its
objective
entropy
level.
From
information
theory,
the
amount
of
information
one
can
receive,
,
is
equal
to
the
amount
of
information
sent
minus
the
average
rate
of
conditional
entropy.
=
(
x
)
y
(
x
)
(5)
The
conditional
entropy
y
(x)
is
called
the
equivocation,
which
measures
the
average
ambiguity
of
the
received
signal
(
).
Equivocation
arises
because
receivers
don’t
have
complete
background
knowledge
of
signals.
For
example,
gold,
a
scarce
com-
modity,
is
highly
valuable.
Another
commodity
could
be
as
scarce
as
gold,
but
unlike
shiny
and
stable
gold,
it
could
be
very
difficult
to
identify.
Most
people
will
not
invest
much
effort
to
gain
knowledge
needed
to
identify
this
commodity
because
the
cost
outweighs
the
potential
benefit.
Thus,
it
registers
less
attention
and
is
valued
less
by
human
beings.
Second,
scarcity
of
a
commodity
is
regulated
by
the
institutional
structures
that
enforce
property
rights.
For
example,
the
value
of
an
invention
is
influenced
by
how
long
and
how
broad
patent
pro-
tection
is
granted.
The
value
of
a
patent
is
higher
in
a
system
where
patents
are
valid
for
twenty
years
than
one
where
patents
are
valid
for
ten
years.
If
patent
protection
is
defined
more
broadly,
the
mar-
ket
is
larger
and
the
value
of
an
invention
is
higher.
Economic
value,
as
a
function
of
scarcity,
is
to
a
great
extent
regulated
by
institutional
structures.
Among
all
the
institutional
measures
that
regulate
scarcity,
the
most
important
regulation
is
the
immigra-
tion
laws
that
regulate
the
scarcity
of
the
labor
force,
which
makes
persistent
large
wage
differentials
across
regions
possible.
Wage
differentials
can
persist
for
other
reasons
such
as
relocation
costs,
or
differences
in
cost-of-living.
Wages
in
the
cities
are
higher
than
in
the
countryside
in
the
same
country,
with
no
legal
barriers
to
migration.
But
these
wage
differentials
are
relative
minor
com-
pared
with
wage
differentials
where
legal
barrier
to
migration
is
high.
5.
The
entropy
theory
of
value
and
information
The
discussion
about
the
relation
between
information
and
physical
entropy
began
with
the
Maxwell’s
demon
(
).
In
1870s,
Boltzmann
defined
the
mathematical
function
of
entropy,
which
identified
as
information
many
years
later.
Because
of
the
equivalence
of
entropy
and
information,
an
entropy
theory
of
value
is
inevitably
an
information
theory
of
value.
Information
is
often
regarded
as
a
rather
unusual
commod-
ity.
In
this
section,
we
will
show
that
informational
and
physical
commodities
share
most
of
the
same
fundamental
properties
from
the
perspective
of
entropy
theory.
Since
offered
an
authoritative
description
about
the
special
characteristics
of
infor-
mation
as
an
economic
commodity,
our
discussion
is
based
on
his
writing.
The
algebra
of
information
is
different
from
that
of
ordinary
goods.
.
.
.
Repeating
a
given
piece
of
information
adds
noth-
ing.
On
the
other
hand,
the
same
piece
of
information
can
be
used
over
and
over
again,
by
the
same
or
different
producer(s).
(
,
p.21)
From
Formula
(5)
,
the
amount
of
information
received
is
the
information
of
source
minus
equivocation.
Repeating
a
signal
of
information
helps
reduce
equivocation.
Different
types
of
coding
generally
maintain
a
certain
level
of
redundancy
to
reduce
error
in
transmission.
Repetition
is
the
most
important
method
in
learning.
Reciting
poems
is
one
of
the
most
effective
ways
to
study
a
lan-
guage
or
literature.
Important
genes
often
have
several
hundred
copies
in
genetic
codes
to
satisfy
heavy
work
demand
(
).
song
will
survive
only
if
people
repeat
it
over
generations.
theory
will
survive
only
if
researchers
continue
to
discuss
it
over
time.
Same
commercials
are
repeated
many
times
on
From
the
thermodynamic
theory,
all
low
entropy
sources
have
a
tendency
to
diffuse.
Repeating
the
same
piece
of
informa-
tion
is
essential
to
keep
it
alive
and
valuable.
The
essence
of
a
living
organism
is
to
repeat
and
spread
the
information
encoded
in
its
genes.
It
is
often
thought
that
the
use
of
information
does
not
involve
rivalry,
since
“the
same
piece
of
information
can
be
used
over
and
over
again,
by
the
same
or
different
producer(s)”.
This
property
is
not
confined
to
information.
The
same
hammer
“can
be
used
over
and
over
again,
by
the
same
or
different
producer(s)”.
However,
the
value
of
the
same
information
will
be
different
for
different
users
or
at
different
time.
For
example,
if
an
unexpected
surge
of
corporate
profit
is
known
by
very
few
people,
i.e.,
when
is
very
small
and
–log
is
very
high,
this
information
would
be
highly
valuable.
Huge
profit
could
be
made
by
trading
the
underlying
stocks.
But
when
it
is
known
to
many
people,
the
value
of
such
information
is
very
low.
In
general,
when
some
knowledge
is
mastered
by
many
people,
its
market
value
is
very
low.
The
peculiar
algebra
of
information
has
another
important
implication
for
the
functioning
of
the
economic
system.
Infor-
mation,
once
obtained,
can
be
used
by
others,
even
though
the
original
owner
has
not
lost
it.
Once
created,
information
is
not
scarce
in
the
economic
sense.
This
fact
makes
it
difficult
to
make
information
into
property.
It
is
usually
much
cheaper
to
repro-
duce
information
than
to
produce
it
in
the
first
place.
In
the
crudest
form,
we
find
piracy
of
technical
information,
as
in
the
reproduction
of
books
in
violation
of
copyright.
Two
social
inno-
vations,
patents
and
copyrights,
are
designed
to
create
artificial
scarcities
where
none
exists
naturally,
although
the
duration
of
the
property
is
limited.
The
scarcities
are
needed
to
create
incentives
for
undertaking
the
production
of
information
in
the
first
place.
(
,
p.
21)
Information
is
a
type
of
low
entropy
source.
Utilization
of
low
entropy
source
from
others
is
a
universal
phenomenon
of
living
systems.
Once
again
animals
discover
the
trick
first.
.
.
.
butterflies,
did
not
evolve
their
colors
to
impress
the
females.
Some
species
evolved
to
be
poisonous
or
distasteful,
and
warned
their
preda-
tors
with
gaudy
colors.
Other
poisonous
kinds
copied
the
colors,
taking
advantage
of
the
fear
already
sown.
But
then
some
nonpoisonous
butterflies
copied
the
colors,
too,
enjoying
the
protection
while
avoiding
the
expense
of
making
themselves
distasteful.
When
the
mimics
become
too
plentiful,
the
col-
ors
no
longer
conveyed
information
and
no
longer
deterred
the
predators.
The
distasteful
butterflies
evolved
new
colors,
which
were
then
mimicked
by
the
palatable
ones,
and
so
on.
(
,
p.
501)
The
perceived
uniqueness
of
copying
information
products
in
human
societies
is
actually
quite
universal
within
living
systems.
Once
we
look
at
the
living
world
from
the
entropy
perspective,
it
J.
Chen
/
Structural
Change
and
Economic
Dynamics
(2018)
73–81
can
hardly
be
otherwise.
In
human
societies,
the
attempt
to
copy
and
reproduce
valuable
assets,
whether
informational
or
physical
assets,
is
also
universal.
The
fashion
industry
offers
an
example
that
illustrates
the
dynamics
of
innovation
and
copying
clearly.
When
a
new
fashion
style
is
created,
it
is
scarce
and
hence
valuable.
This
valuable
infor-
mation
will
be
copied
by
others.
As
more
people
copy
the
style,
increases,
-log
decreases
and
the
value
of
the
fashion
decreases.
To
satisfy
the
demands
for
high
value
fashions,
new
fashion
styles
“are
designed
to
create
artificial
scarcities
where
none
exists
natu-
rally”.
Protection
of
an
organism’s
source
of
low
entropy
to
prevent
access
by
others
is
also
a
universal
phenomenon
of
living
systems.
Animals
develop
immune
systems
to
protect
their
low
entropy
source
from
being
accessed
by
microbes.
Plants
make
themselves
poisonous
to
prevent
their
low
entropy
from
being
accessed
by
animals.
When
space
is
a
limiting
factor
in
survival
or
reproduc-
tion,
animals
defend
their
territory
vigorously
(
).
Whether
to
enforce
the
property
rights
depends
on
the
cost
of
enforcement
and
the
value
of
the
low
entropy
source.
When
infor-
mation
products
become
an
important
class
of
assets,
the
property
rights
of
physical
assets
are
naturally
extended
to
informational
assets.
Arrow
stated,
“Two
social
innovations,
patents
and
copyrights,
are
designed
to
create
artificial
scarcities
where
none
exists
nat-
urally
.
.
..
.
.
The
scarcities
are
needed
to
create
incentives
for
undertaking
the
production
of
information
in
the
first
place.
(
Arrow,
,
p.
21)”
But
the
statement
is
not
consistent
with
real-
ity.
The
production
of
information,
in
the
form
of
genes,
occurred
long
before
the
advent
of
human
beings
and
copyrights.
Human
societies
with
no
patents
or
copyrights
produce
great
art,
literature
and
scientific
knowledge.
During
wartime,
warring
parties
show
the
least
respect
toward
patents
and
copyrights.
Most
scientific
and
engineering
break-
throughs
are
achieved
in
times
of
intense
conflict.
Historically,
latecomers
that
turned
into
industrial
powers,
including
the
displayed
little
regard
to
patents
and
copyrights
in
the
period
of
takeoff.
It
is
natural
for
dominant
players
to
proclaim
their
sovereignty
over
important
assets,
whether
physical
or
informa-
tional.
It
is
also
natural
for
the
non-dominant
majority
to
utilize
resources
available
at
the
lowest
cost
possible.
6.
Economic
value
and
social
welfare
Economic
activities
provide
low
entropy
sources
for
the
survival
and
comfort
of
human
beings.
From
the
second
law
of
thermody-
namics,
the
reduction
of
entropy
locally
is
always
accompanied
by
the
increase
of
greater
amounts
of
high
entropic
waste
globally.
So
“externalities”
are
universal
for
all
economic
and
social
activities.
They
are
not
a
form
of
“market
failure”
but
a
direct
consequence
of
fundamental
physical
laws.
product
is
developed
to
satisfy
a
specific
market
demand.
Its
value
is
easily
appreciated
by
the
customers,
who
are
will-
ing
to
pay
for
the
product.
Production
facilities
are
often
set
by
riverside
or
seaside.
Wastes
are
often
diffused
quickly
to
a
broad
area,
so
the
concentration
of
waste
is
generally
low.
Production
facilities
are
often
set
in
countries
where
local
population
have
lit-
tle
political
power.
For
example,
production
of
solar
panels
and
other
“clean
energy”
usually
generate
great
amounts
of
pollution.
They
are
concentrated
in
China,
which
is
under
an
authoritarian
political
system,
where
the
ability
to
complain
is
limited,
even
though
the
population
density
affected
by
the
pollution
is
very
great
When
human
population
density
and
consumption
levels
are
low,
most
of
the
high
entropy
wastes
that
humans
generate
are
absorbed
by
microbes
and
other
natural
forces
with
little
human
effort.
This
vital
recycling
business
is
accorded
no
economic
value.
As
the
population
density
and
the
level
of
consumption
increases,
however,
direct
human
intervention
is
needed
to
move
the
high
entropy
waste
away
from
where
people
reside.
Waste
management
becomes
economically
valuable.
That
the
increase
of
economic
wealth
is
not
equivalent
to
improvement
of
social
conditionis
especially
clear
to
see
in
the
case
of
pollution.
When
clean
water
is
abundant
and
unpolluted,
water
has
little
economic
value.
When
water
becomes
polluted
and
clean
water
becomes
scarce,
the
scarcity
makes
water
economically
valuable.
While
economic
wealth
is
not
equivalent
to
social
welfare,
as
a
measure
of
consumption
and
control
of
resources,
it
generally
does
reflect
the
social
conditions
of
the
time.
However,
wealth,
as
low
entropy
of
human
society,
is
ultimately
supported
by
low
entropy
from
nature.
In
the
last
several
hundred
years,
worldwide
consumption
of
energy
and
other
resources
has
been
increasing
steadily
with
economic
progress.
Our
current
civilization
depends
heavily
on
fossil
fuel.
The
increasing
cost
of
fossil
fuel
extraction
will
gradually
erode
the
foundation
of
today’s
lifestyle
(
).
In
general,
wealth
represents
the
total
dependence
of
each
on
the
other
in
a
society.
The
increase
of
one’s
wealth
means
the
increase
of
the
dependence
of
others
on
him
or
her
and
hence
the
increase
of
his
or
her
power.
While
it
is
natural
for
an
individual,
a
company
or
a
nation
to
pursue
strategies
that
maximize
wealth,
such
strategies
ultimately
will
undermine
long
term
sustainabil-
ity
of
ecological
and
social
systems.
Currently,
the
fertility
rates
in
many
wealthy
societies,
which
consume
large
amount
resources,
are
already
below
the
replacement
rate.
This
is
a
clear
sign
that
these
societies
are
not
sustainable.
7.
Concluding
remarks
All
systems
tend
to
move
from
low
probability
state
to
high
probability
state.
In
physics,
this
pattern
is
formalized
into
the
entropy
law:
entropy
tends
to
increase
over
time.
All
living
sys-
tems,
including
humans,
tap
the
entropy
flow
to
drive
their
own
activities.
It
is
natural
to
conceive
economic
value
as
entropy.
The-
ories
built
on
a
sound
physical
foundation
often
provide
simple
and
intuitive
results
on
practical
problems.
The
entropy
theory
of
value
establishes
an
explicit
link
between
economic
value
and
physical
entropy.
It
offers
a
simple
mathematical
theory
that
greatly
clar-
ifies
our
understanding
of
a
broad
range
of
social
and
economic
phenomena.
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