UNBC & Aleza Lake Research

                                 Forest Plant Systems Database


                      The UNBC/Aleza Lake Research Forest Plant Systems Database is designed as a resource for plant systems students and for residents in general within the Prince George region. The focus of the database is to provide detailed macro images of identifying characteristics of annual and perennial plant species of Northern B.C. All rights to the images within the database are reserved to photographers and any duplication and/or use of these images must be properly referenced and accredited.



> Plant image search <

Here is a list of all species contained in the database. Species are grouped within their families with links to each profile. All images for each species are listed within the profiles along with descriptive text.

> Winter Dichotomous Key <

This page contains a key to the identification of perennials which are conspicuous during winter in the area of Forest for the World. Each species contains a link to their profile.

> Wildflower Image Key <

This is a image key to flowering perennial and annual plants from areas around Prince George, as well as other parts of the province. Each image contains a link to the species profile.






- Hugues Massicotte & Roy Rea (Ecosystem Science and Management Program,  UNBC)

Photographers, Web Site Creators

- Allan Carson (Plant Sciences, UNBC)

Photographer, Webpage Designer

- Dennis M. Straussfogel

PHP Programmer

- Lucille Guiney (Ecosystem Science and Management)

Administrative Assistant

- Chris Carson (Software engineering, UVIC)




     For any questions or comments, please contact:

    Roy Rea    reav@unbc.ca

    Hugues Massicotte   hugues@unbc.ca

    Allan Carson    explore_r@hotmail.com



Visitor number 14092